September 04, 2005


This is the bloody result of not giving complete attention to the salad you are preparing. (Click picture for a close-up.)

While cutting some spring onions with a freshly sharpened knife, cut the tip of my finger off. There was quite a bit of blood and more importantly I couldn't get it to stop. Even now, a full 20 hours after, it is still throbbing with pain. But for the first time ever I am glad I don't touch type. :) My speedy, use any finger for any key, method is proving very useful.

At least there was no blood or finger in the salad!

But I did find the piece of skin I had cut off on the cutting board. After chucking that in the bin and putting a couple of plasters on the finger, I continued chopping the salad and preparing a delicious meal.

Luckily, I didn't have to add ham or beet-root to hide anything! :)


  • Ouch indeed!

    That is an amazing wound. Please keep that thing bandaged up for a week or so. I don't want you touching any of my keyboards or mice. ;-)

    By Blogger Expat Teacher, at 04 September, 2005 21:14  

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